Parish Statistics
What is a Synod?
Preparing for the Synod
Why a Synod?
What will the Synod discuss?
Synodal Directory
Members of the Preparatory Commission
Setting the Compass
Avoiding Pitfalls
How can I be involved?
Becoming a Delegate
Role of a Delegate
Area's and Communities Represented by Delegates
Resources for Delegates
Our Journey
A Synod for Limerick Diocese
Inaugural gathering of delegates for Synod 2016
Official launch of Limerick Diocesan Synod 2016
Launch of 'Ar Misean le Chéile - Uain Atúsaithe'
Delegate Send-off Gathering
Gathering of Delegates - Thomond Park
Delegates Vote on Themes for Synod 2016
Niall McLaughlin in Limerick
Limerick: What is our Mission?
Limerick and its people
Limerick Diocesan Sport Conference
Gathering of Delegates - Mary Immaculate College
Opening Mass of the Limerick Diocesan Synod
Pope Francis sends his blessing for first Irish Synod in 50 years
Photo Gallery
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