Parish Statistics
What is a Synod?
Preparing for the Synod
Why a Synod?
What will the Synod discuss?
Synodal Directory
Members of the Preparatory Commission
Setting the Compass
Avoiding Pitfalls
How can I be involved?
Becoming a Delegate
Role of a Delegate
Area's and Communities Represented by Delegates
Resources for Delegates
Our Journey
A Synod for Limerick Diocese
Inaugural gathering of delegates for Synod 2016
Official launch of Limerick Diocesan Synod 2016
Launch of 'Ar Misean le Chéile - Uain Atúsaithe'
Delegate Send-off Gathering
Gathering of Delegates - Thomond Park
Delegates Vote on Themes for Synod 2016
Niall McLaughlin in Limerick
Limerick: What is our Mission?
Limerick and its people
Limerick Diocesan Sport Conference
Gathering of Delegates - Mary Immaculate College
Opening Mass of the Limerick Diocesan Synod
Pope Francis sends his blessing for first Irish Synod in 50 years
Photo Gallery
Official launch of Limerick Diocesan Synod 2016
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