Reflection and Explanatory piece presented by Sr Eileen Lenihan on Synod Sunday
The following is a Reflection and Explanatory piece presented by Sr Eileen Lenihan in the parish of Mahoonagh on Synod Sunday – February 8th.
REFLECTION for Synod Sunday
Gathering at Mass and Communion is a sign of our faith in Jesus Christ. Though Son of God, Jesus lived, died and rose from the dead to bring us God’s message of love. He did even more, he promised that God’s Holy Spirit, would be with us today and to the end of time. Through our baptism, and sharing his Body and Blood with us, Jesus bonds us together as brothers and sisters. Those who went before us, parents, grandparents, brought us forward through Baptism to be part of this faith community.
Our Parish of Mahoonagh is a little part within the Diocese of Limerick and the Church, the whole People of God. The Church cannot claim to be fully formed or to have reached the ideal, any more than any one of us can claim to be perfect. From time to time we all need to examine and review our lives.
Often we need to make adjustments. We need to be truer followers of Jesus. He is depending on us to bring God’s mission of love to our hurting world. But society is changing rapidly; ways of responding that were relevant in the past may no longer suit. As Church we have to find new ways to carry on God’s mission of love to our world.
In the Synod each one of us is asked to ‘journey together’ to bring about a renewal of faith in our Diocese. Every man, woman, teenager and child is being asked to join in this venture.
How can I respond? (Brief pause after each question)
Can I pray that the Holy Spirit will renew us all in heart and mind?
Can I be alert to what is happening in our Parish/Diocese?
Can I be open to new ideas or ways of doing things?
Have I some insights to share?
Can I become a little more involved?
May the Holy Spirit accompany us and guide us in this journey of faith for the glory of God’s name. Amen